the SUN reported he had been assaulted and robbed by a youth he invited to his apartment early one morning.


Pennsylvania House of Representatives unanimously passed bill to deny bail to persons charged with indecent exposure, sodomy, solicitation or assault with intent to commit sodomy, etc., and to require them to stand exam by two court appointed psychiatrists. to determine if they are "a threat to the bodily harm of the public," or "a habitual offender or mentally ill.", Previously passed by the Senate, bill returned there for ironing out changes. New Detroit boysearch (12-yearold last seen near railroad with short, bespectacled man) leads to deviate roundup. . . . Universalist pastor of Norway, Maine, under indictment on charges involving juveniles. . . .Chairman Mary Driscoll of Boston Licensing Board said she was tired of taking rap for immorality and vulgar entertainment, ordered nite spots to cut out strip teases and suggestive patter, call girls and solicitors, female impersonators, dark corners, sales to minors and other violations. . . . Dr. Octavio Diaz held in NYC charged with being member of ring using faked passports, to bring criminal and misfit (?) Latins to this country. . Los Angeles' topcop and Dist. Atty. still feuding over illegal police methods. At issue between Roll and Chief Parker is the Cahan decision in which Calif. courts followed the long established rule of Federal courts in refusing to admit evidence illegally obtained. Parker calls this the "Magna Charta


of Crime," says he can't enforce law by legal means. Roll says illegal search and seizure may help solve some crimes faster, but so would the third degree, rifling the mails and other gestapo methods. He can't, he says, prosecute such cases in good conscience. .F.B. I. putting

on nationwide "Civil Rights Schools" to acquaint police with citizen's rights and with limits of own authority. They emphasize that willfully depriving any person of his constitutional rights. by public officials acting under the color of law is a Federal offense and becomes automatically an F.B. I. case. Mississippi setting up an "F.B. I." type agency to ferret out subversion of states' rights. . . .Fulton Grand Jury (Atlanta, Georgia) asked police to close all sex deviate hangouts. Foreman of previous GJ had informed them such places existed. On recommendation of topcop Herbert Jenkins, city council police commission revoked license of Glen Iris Supper Club. Owner of Tick Tock Grill voluntarily surrendered her beer and wine license. . . . Miami postal officials said that about 100 suggestive picture postcards are removed from mails each day, the sort of risque humor cards tourists tend to send to the aunt back home.

They just never arrive. P.0. authorities have no control over manufacture or sale, but say the unclad women and illustrated dirty jokes just aren't mailable. . . In Tuscon, officers became suspicious when they saw two men slumped down in front seat of car near railroad tracks one gloomy night. But the men were just sleeping.